Donate To The "Truth About John Keehan Fund"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is the actual e-mail sent to me, of Floyd Webb asking Ashida kim for the copies of the books for the fundraiser. People are starting to see the truth in the situation. You can yaw and yell but no matter the proof is right here. Floyd Webb kissing a fake ninjas ass. The proof is in the reading. Their ass kissing buddies who want to undermine the right Grand Master Aguiar III and his late Father Willian Aguiar Jr. You bullshit is wearing this.....

Subject: Ashida, I need some help...
Date: Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:03 AM
From: Floyd Webb <>
To: "" <>
Conversation: Ashida, I need some help...
Ashida Kim,
I am starting to do fundraisers in the Chicago are for the film. The first one I am having will be at the Occult Bookstore in Chicago.
The owner, Louvel Delon is a great fan of yours and I was wondering if you would send him an autographed copy of Ninja Mind Control?
A lot of these guys who had out at the store are fans of yours. Just so you know.
It would be a great help to me if you would drop XXXX a note and maybe a signed book. I think he would frame it and hang it up in the store.
Here is the address:
Louvel Delon
Occult Book Store <>
1164 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL 60622
(773) 292-0995
Talk to you soon.
Floyd Webb
"Rarely has reality needed so much to be imagined." -- Chris Marker

1 comment:

  1. Proof of what? One again you make a fool of yourself. You dare to beg for private emails then publish them to shore up your fraudulent arguments. Here. Publish this one as well.

    Chris Pieschala
    to me, dojopress



    Follow up message
    from Chris Pieschala
    to Floyd Webb <
    cc ""
    date Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:16 AM
    subject Re: Ashida, I need some help...



    Follow up message

    Thanks Floyd!
    I'll definitely pass the information along. I will also find out for Ashida Kim how big of a fan base he has at the store. I'm pretty tight with Louvel, maybe he'll want to sell some of Mr. Kim's works.

    Should Mr. Kim ever choose to come to Chicago for a speaking engagement or seminar, I will ask if he can use the space at the store (it would be free). I see no issues with this; Louvel was a Green Dragon in his youth, ironically.

    I know I used to read Mr. Kim's books (my instructor even had a couple), so this might be an opportunity for you Mr. Kim.

    I'm finding out that, like Dante and WDFS, once they see his book(s) the response is "Oh yeah, now I remember that!" So there very well could be a big fan base here for you Mr. Kim.

    Best Wishes All,
    Master C. C. Pieschala


    One day you will find something better to do with your time.
